Summer Academy 2024

The creation of the Summer Academy was motivated by pedagogical work focused on voice and lyrical singing. This Academy is expanding and will now also host Master classes in chamber music, piano, flute, clarinet, guitar, and violin. A workshop aimed at amateur choristers from the Perche Emeraude region will complement the program for the 2024 season. In order to strengthen its support for young artists, the academy offers scholarships to young singers under 30 years old who are on the path to professionalization but may not yet be eligible for public funding for continuing education.

Opera Singing Workshops

Guitar Workshop

Chamber Music Workshop

Piano Workshop

Clarinet Workshop

Flute Workshop

Locations of the workshops :

The Master classes take place in a privileged setting in the heart of the Perche Emeraude. Participants will be accommodated in La Ferté-Bernard. This medieval city is located at the crossroads of three rivers: the Orne, the Eure, and the Sarthe. Traversed by numerous canals and built on marshland, it is nicknamed the « Little Venice of the West. » La Ferté-Bernard has preserved its rich heritage dating back to the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Participants can explore the city and visit, for example, the Notre-Dame des Marais church, admire the facades of the many old houses, or enjoy the sunny weather of July by taking a boat ride along the canals.

The Master classes for lyrical singing take place in the magnificent church of Saint-Denis-des-Coudrais. Instrument classes, on the other hand, are held in La Ferté-Bernard, at the Hôtel Courtin de Torsay (a Renaissance mansion classified as a historical monument) and at the Halles Denis Béalet (remarkable heritage). Vocal participants are accommodated with residents in Saint-Denis-des-Coudrais and Tuffé. Instrumental participants are accommodated at the boarding school of Robert Garnier High School in La Ferté-Bernard. A final concert will conclude each of the Master classes. Participants will have the opportunity to present their work in inspiring venues such as the Halles Denis Béalet in La Ferté-Bernard, the church of Avezé, or that of Saint-Denis-des-Coudrais.

Note : The workplaces are accessible to people with reduced mobility. For other types of disabilities, arrangements will be considered with the learner during initial contact (see contact section).

Accommodation :

  • Instrumental participants are accommodated at the boarding school of Robert Garnier High School in La Ferté-Bernard (two participants per room).
  • Vocal participants are accommodated with residents in Saint-Denis-des-Coudrais or Tuffé.
  • Participants need to bring their own sheets and towels.

Access Procedures and Deadlines:

  • The registration form is downloadable from the website.
  • The prices listed in the brochure include tuition fees, accommodation, and full board.
  • Registration must take place at least 35 days before the start of the workshop.
  • A quote for tuition fees will be sent by email upon request, along with the registration details.

Access :

To get to La Ferté-Bernard, there are several options:

  • By car : From Paris, take the A11 motorway, exit at La Ferté-Bernard.
  • By train : From Paris, take the TER (Regional Express Train) from Montparnasse station.
  • Carpooling is also available among participants.